Consolidated Report on the HIV/AIDS, STI, and TB Prevention Project in T/As Mbenje and Tengani Nsanje District
by: Chikumbutso Gasper Willard - 22|08|2024
Costa Nkhani Project Officer at World Aids Day commemoration
The HIV/AIDS, STI, and TB Prevention Project in Nsanje District, led by FACE in collaboration with AHF, has made significant strides in raising awareness, improving access to care, and combating stigma in T/As Mbenje and Tengani. The project targets sexually active individuals aged 15-35 years, with key activities including stakeholder meetings, community engagements, and participation in World AIDS Day.
Meeting with AHF coordinators
Through these efforts, the project has successfully gained the support of local leaders and committees, with participants recognizing the importance of transparency, community involvement, and nutrition initiatives.
Moving forward, the project will continue to focus on increasing awareness, reducing stigma, and ensuring that communities receive the necessary support to improve health outcomes.