FACE Engages in Peer Learning Visit in Malawi
by: Chikumbutso Gasper Willard - 11|03|2024
Visiting Organizations (standing) observe as a mentor disseminates nutrition messages
Between March 6th and 7th, 2024, the Foundation for Active Civic Education (FACE) actively participated in a peer-to-peer learning visit to T/A Champiti in Ntcheu district, Malawi. This visit was organized as part of the Strengthening Food and Nutrition Security Programming in Malawi project, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and implemented by the Dedza Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP).
During the visit, CCJP showcased several initiatives aimed at improving food security and nutrition in the area. One notable initiative is the care group model, which assigns mentors to households to disseminate health and wellness information, complementing efforts to enhance food availability and nutrition for overall improved wellbeing.
Additionally, CCJP is implementing Village Savings and Loans groups alongside other interventions to further support the community.
CCJP finance officer presents project oversight details
On the final day of the peer learning visit, the focus shifted to the administrative aspects of the project. The aim was for the nine visiting organizations, including FACE, to learn from the exemplary practices of Dedza CCJP in project management, knowledge sharing, community engagement, and financial oversight.
The learning visit proved to be highly beneficial, as FACE acquired valuable techniques and insights into project implementation. The organization is now committed to integrating these lessons learned into its future initiatives, ensuring greater impact and effectiveness in its endeavors.