by: Chikumbutso Gasper Willard - 15|05|2023
We are delighted to present the monthly report for October 2010, outlining the progress of the education project implemented by FACE in collaboration with Concern Worldwide. This initiative aims to enhance the capacity of community members in the Mbenje and Tengani Traditional Areas, promoting active participation in school management and creating a safer learning environment for girls. The project focuses on three main outputs, detailed below:
Output 1: Increased Protection for Learners
Our first objective is to improve the safety of learners, with a particular emphasis on creating a secure environment for girls. Through various strategies, we aim to safeguard their educational experience and overall well-being.
Output 2: Strengthened School Management and Community Participation
We are actively working to enhance the capacity of School Management Committees (SMCs), Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs), and encourage community involvement in school management. By empowering these key stakeholders, we can foster improved educational outcomes in the targeted areas.
Output 3: Enhanced Organizational Capacity
To ensure the successful implementation of the project, we are committed to strengthening FACE's internal capabilities. By developing our team's skills and expertise, we can effectively address the project's objectives in the Mbenje and Tengani Traditional Areas.
During the month of October, our organization focused on activities related to Output 2. Specifically, we aimed to enhance the capacity of School Management Committees (SMCs) and Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) in the Mlonda and Mpatsa zones. While we successfully trained 10 SMCs in their roles and responsibilities, three committee members did not attend the training. Furthermore, due to budget constraints, we were only able to train four PTAs, two from each education zone.
In parallel, we prioritized Output 3 by providing training in community mobilization for three members of our staff. This training, facilitated by CRECCOM, equips them to play a leading role in organizing community mobilization activities, ultimately promoting girls' education in the area.
Overall, we successfully conducted training sessions for all SMCs and a portion of the PTAs within the available financial resources. Participants expressed satisfaction with the logistics of the training, including timely provision of refreshments, efficient time management, and the lunch allowances provided. Active involvement of women in discussions and action planning was noted, leading to increased understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Although the number of women in some SMCs and PTAs remains low, their active participation in idea sharing was encouraging.
Throughout the training sessions, we observed a low representation of women in some SMCs and PTAs, particularly in the Mlonda and Mpatsa zones. However, communities demonstrated a strong interest in our project and actively contributed to efforts aimed at reducing dropout rates. Regrettably, incidents of school-related gender-based violence, such as the one reported at Chirimba Primary School, highlighted the persistent challenges we face in ensuring a safe learning environment. To effectively monitor service delivery and maintain project standards, we recommend including FACE's Executive Director in all staff training sessions conducted by our partner organization.