by: Chikumbutso Gasper Willard - 11|05|2023
In an effort to improve the economic and social conditions of the people in T/A Malemia, Nsanje District, a business management training program was conducted from 1st to 3rd June 2016. The program was funded by VSO, and it aimed to impart business management and entrepreneurship skills to 290 beneficiaries, including 162 women, 118 out-of-school girls, and 10 volunteers.
The training program was designed to address the critical need for business skills, governance, and documentation, which were identified through a training needs assessment. In addition to learning about business management, the participants were also enlightened on the importance of group cohesion and documentation.
The training was conducted in five different venues according to the VSLA geographical localities, and it was a huge success. The participants were enthusiastic and eager to learn, and they showed a remarkable level of commitment to the program.
The group being the third level intake started on a good note due to lessons learned from the two phases which have become stepping stones for them. With the knowledge they have acquired, the participants are now ready to turn the current situation of severe hunger in the area into business opportunities.
The timing of the funding was particularly opportune, as the area had been hit hard by a drought during the farming season. The training has given the women and out-of-school girls the necessary skills to take advantage of any business opportunities that come their way.
Overall, the business management training program has had a significant impact on the economic and social conditions of the people in Malemia. It has empowered the participants with the skills and knowledge they need to improve their lives, and it has also brought about a sense of community and cohesion among the participants.
The program serves as an excellent example of how investing in education and training can have a profound impact on a community.